
Image is of a busy highway. Concept of summer is the most dangerous time for car accidents
Car Accidents

Summer is the Most Dangerous for Car Accidents

Summer is the perfect time to travel and explore new places. However, the increase in travel during the summer months, especially around holiday weekends and vacation periods, can lead to a higher risk of car

Image is of a close-up of a steering wheel with hands on it, concept of being charged with a DUI while driving high on marijuana.
DUI Defense

Can You Be Charged With DUI While Driving High on Marijuana?

The landscape of marijuana legalization is rapidly shifting across the United States, with more states easing restrictions on both medical and recreational use. However, South Carolina remains relatively conservative in its approach to the drug.

Image is of a man having a knee injury examined by physician, concept of when to hire a personal injury lawyer
Personal Injury

When Should You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Navigating the aftermath of a personal injury can be overwhelming. Between medical appointments, dealing with insurance companies, and managing your recovery, it can be hard to know when to seek legal help. Hiring a personal

Image is of a person in handcuffs, speaking to a criminal defense lawyer
Criminal Defense

Can a Criminal Defense Attorney Ask if You Are Guilty?

Being arrested and charged with a crime can be an overwhelming experience, often leading to fears about whether a lawyer will take your case. The misconception that lawyers only represent innocent clients can add to

Image is of several sticky notes with the words 'yes', 'non', and '?' written on them, concept of how proving consent can impact a sex crimes case
Sex Crimes

How Proving Consent Can Impact a Sex Crime Case

Ever heard the saying, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it”? In the world of sex crime accusations, that’s only half the truth. It’s also about what isn’t said, or what’s misunderstood.

Image is of an injured man shaking hands with his lawyers, concept of what to expect during a personal injury lawsuit
Personal Injury

What to Expect During a Personal Injury Lawsuit

When you get injured through no fault of your own, you have a right to seek damages. After all, a personal injury necessitates seeking costly medication attention, loss of wages and affects your enjoyment of

Image is of a ripped piece of paper that revels the words 'myths & facts', concept of debunking 10 DUI myths
DUI Defense

Debunking Top 10 DUI Myths

Millions of motorists are arrested and charged with DUI each year, and that’s just but a tiny proportion of the actual number said to have driven under the influence. Drunk driving has been the subject